The Hackett Group is a data, research and best-practice based professional services organization thathelps their customers identify performance gaps and practices that would drive world-class performance. Kurt Albertson from their Procurement Advisory Practice spoke about getting a grip on tail spend at the March 3rd Innovation Symposium. Before the event, I had a chance to sit down with him and talk about mitigating supply risk, managing global supply and increasing performance across the source-to-settle continuum. Procurement agility came up as a key priority that has been rising over the past few years. Agility is all about speed-to-execution to meet stakeholder needs — turning big data into executable information and adopting a more customer-centric, flexible service delivery model.
In this two part interview series, Kurt talks about business agility and other hot topics in the market as well as pragmatic approaches to move from transactional, service-oriented procurement to a more trusted partnership.
Read part 1 and part 2 of the series on Linkedin.
Or view Kurt’s presentation from the event on YouTube.