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MRO Supply Chain Study Reveals Inherent Weaknesses in Traditional Approach

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Posted by Jim Owens on Tue, 07/21/2015

In the excitement and chaos of the holiday season, I overlooked this article in Supply&Demand Chain Executive that summarizes the results of a 2014 MRO supply chain study, but I’m glad I came across it now.

The results of the survey reflect a very accurate perspective on how most organizations view the MRO supply chain and the inherent weaknesses with the traditional management approach. Despite the clear linkages between the MRO supply chain and operational excellence (and risk), the overwhelming majority of organizations underinvest or completely neglect this area of their business.

As a result, the management MRO supply chain tends to be fragmented (across multiple internal silos and external stakeholder groups) and in a constant mode of reaction and firefighting. It is SDI’s belief that larger, global trends will force organizations to reorganize internal resources to address the MRO supply chain (as an end-to-end business process) or partner with specialists like SDI where they can leverage people, process, and technological expertise under a supply chain-as-a-service model.

You can read the full article here:

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